Thank You from Archbishop Peter - Fundraiser Complete!
January 14 / January 1 (OS), 2023
Apodosis of the Nativity of Christ
Christ is Born!
Dear Members and Benefactors of the St. John Kochurov Society,
Glory to God for all things!
It is with great gladness and gratitude that I write to thank you for your contributions to the St. John Kochurov Society, and through the Society, to our diocesan Youth, Mission Parishes, Monasteries, and Clergy in Need. As your archpastor and spiritual father, my heart is warmed by your filial affection and Christian charity.
As you may recall, I wrote to you last on November 13 / October 31 (OS), the feast of our heavenly patron St. John Kochurov. In my letter I besought your help in replenishing our diocesan charitable aid fund. Through St. John's prayers, my appeal met with an overwhelming and generous response: your collective offerings met, and even surpassed, the goal of $20,000 originally established.
This has been the most successful fundraising campaign in the Society's history. It prepares us to render immediate financial aid within the diocese to those who need it most. I am confident that we will be able to meet these needs, both now and in future, with your continued patronage and prayer for our common work.
Your alms are already being put to good use in service of our Lord Jesus Christ. In consultation with the Society's executive committee, I recently approved grants totaling $7,250 for the following urgent needs:
$5,250 to fund scholarships for the St. Herman's Youth Conference recently held in Kansas City, MO.
$2,000 to help a mission parish priest behind on the rent for his family's residence.
May God reward you for your kindness, granting you and your dear ones a prosperous, peaceful, and happy New Year, through the prayers of our Holy Father John Kochurov!
With Gratitude for your Generosity and Love in our Lord Jesus Christ,
Peter, Archbishop of Chicago & Mid-America
