St. John Kochurov Society Supports Youth Attending Liturgical Music Conference - Nov. 2017
It is a joy to see our youth growing up in the Orthodox Faith and in their love for Christ. May God bless, protect, and save them all! Remember, every dollar you donate to St. John Kochurov Society is put toward supporting the Youth, Mission Parishes, and Monastic Communities of our diocese... when you give to us, we give on your behalf to those who are in the greatest need! DONATE TODAY in honor of the memory of St. John Kochurov, the first priest-martyr of the October Revolution in Russia... we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of his martyrdom this coming Monday, Nov. 13th!
From Larissa Kaminsky Sander, Chair of of the Diocesan Liturgical Music Committee: "The youth who were sponsored by the St. John Kochurov Society to attend the 2017 Diocesan Liturgical Music Conference in Cincinnati, OH wish to thank Fr Deacon David Companik and the Society Board for their support and dedication to educating our youth!"